Fun Facts About Garnets

With Valentine's Day only a month away, I thought it would be interesting to share some fun facts about the garnet stone, the perfect stone to express one's love.
- It is the birthstone of January
- Given to commemorate the 2nd wedding anniversary
- The most common garnet gemstone is deep red, though it is sometimes found in green
- Through the ages, soldiers have carried garnets into battle to protect themselves from injury or death
- Ancient Greek sailors would carry with them for good luck
- People used to believe that they had healing powers that cure illnesses like heart palpitations and heart disease
- They were also thought to alleviate depression and ward off evil spirits
Sometimes when looking for inspiration to create jewelry, I’ll go to an art museum or look at paintings on Pinterest. I'm always pleasantly surprised at how often garnets appear in these paintings. Below is a great example - an image of Francis I of France and his wife Eleanor during the early 1500s.

On a personal note, I have always been drawn to garnets. They have a wonderfully warm, dark color. Plus they have a vintage feel, making them one of my favorite stones to wear and to work with.
I hope you enjoyed this blog post on garnets and your Valentine's Day.
Comments on this post (2)
I am doing a project for science class about minerals and I chose garnet.
Thanks for these interesting facts about garnet.
5 star review
— Sashi