Hoops - Always in Style

When I'm at events selling my jewelry, the best part is working with customers. At these shows, I’m frequently asked which kind of earring is my favorite. The first thing I always say is, "Do you have any hoops in your jewelry box?" I ask this question because hoop earrings are a classic staple and also versatile.
While reading The Wall Street Journal Style & Fashion section, I found an excellent article on hoop earrings that shared a similar fondness for the style. I loved this first question: "Is it a trend if it never goes away?" This lets me know, as I suspected, that hoops are a classic piece of jewelry. Nancy Macdonell is the author of this article titled, “Hoop Earrings: Going in Circle.” She gives a history of the hoop earrings and why they have been a presence in jewelry for thousands of years. She also details why they were a standout accessory at spring and fall shows. Click here to read her article.
This is a photo of my hoop earrings in my jewelry box. A few of them I purchased in the 1980s and I still wear today. For me, it feels good to be wearing pieces I bought in my twenties that are still relevant today.
Let me know what hoops you have in your jewelry box. I'd love to hear from you.
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